News & Events

1. Mrs. Sunita Datta

2. Mr. Pawan Kumar

3. Mr. Gulshan Thakur

4. Mrs. Sunita Devi

5. Mr. Anu Kumar
welcome to raj-rajeshwari college of education
The college is being run by RAJ RAJESHWARI EDUCATION SOCIETY under Society Registration Act 1860 vide registration no. 116, Dated 28th Dec. 2005. This is the College of Education in HP which is run by a core professional group and eminent academicians. The college started functioning from session 2006-07.
aim of raj-rajeshwari college of education hamirpur
To set up an educational institution committed and designed to nurture, supplement and promote the needs of the present day, as well as in the times to come in the field of education through stringent standards, superior infrastructural facilities, multifaceted approach, development of education, teaching communicative, interpersonal and computing skills, multi-model learning methods in a congenial environment. The College also provides the right ambience for the minds to grow both professionally and intellectually.
the philosophy of raj-rajeshwari college of education hamirpur
The institute is committed to impart quality education right from its inception. For the purpose, the institute has given a modest but a professionally sound beginning. The institute postulates that as the society is moving ahead, the trained man-power is the need of hour. Thus at Raj Rajeshwari College of Education we are committed to carve out in young teachers ?a person of academic excellence and professional integrity?.
raj-rajeshwari college of education
raj-rajeshwari college of education
abhilashi group of institutions, mandi
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